Monday, February 28, 2011

I can't believe it

I'm like four days behind on daily posts. Unacceptable!

The Tiger Strikes!

This wasn't what I planned on drawing. I was going to originally draw Luke Skywalker with a shocked expression; his hand nothing more but a nubbin in the foreground. I like this though.

Friday, February 11, 2011

New category! --The First Thing Doodle: it's the first thing I draw when I wake up

This post is going to count for yesterday's absence.

Today with felt pen

sketch for today. went for a run and felt like drawing about it. Of course it's way too cold for just shorts where I live. Thermal fabric is the way to go--can't manage to make the under-armor stuff work for me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Red Ink (digital)

I would have preferred to post some more felt pen work, but alas, it's time for bed.